Intimacy with our Father

"Yes I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, in I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5

We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.

black mountains under blue sky during daytime
black mountains under blue sky during daytime
bald eagle flying on skies
bald eagle flying on skies
person forming heart with their hands
person forming heart with their hands

True strength comes from knowing him, not just knowing about him.

Let’s define intimacy, because many people view intimacy as just sex with a partner but according to Oxford’s definition of intimacy, it reads “ closely acquainted; familiar, close, “intimate friends’. Do you see how deep God our father wants to go? He wants us to become familiar with his ways, he wants us to become so close to him that we don't rely on anything or anyone but him and to be able to trust him because we know him. For some of us, it can be hard for us to become intimate with anyone, especially if you have been hurt by your earthly parents the ones who your suppose to count on, but if you learn how to push through all the hurt and give God our father a chance, I promise you, you will not be disappointed.

What does intimacy with God look like?
What does it look like to become intimate with God?

Well if you have any meaningful, close relationships with anyone, don't you tell your best friend or spouse everything? I mean when I have a good friend I can trust, overtime they will know my hurts, my struggles, weaknesses, quirkiness, strengths, insecurities..all of it and it would be the same for them as well, why? Because we are close, we are intimate, they are going to know most if not all my secrets. How much more do you think our creator, our heavenly father, our papa would want us to tell him all of our pain and struggles? God wants us to tell him all of our weaknesses, maybe you struggle with envy, or pride, sexual sin , addictions, God knows all about it, just like he knew about Adam and Eve sin before they told him. When you develop an intimate relationship with God, he will reveal his secrets, plans and purpose for your life. Our father will give you keys to your problems and reveal his love to you in a powerful way if you just get close to him , be real with him and let him into your heart.

photo of man kneeling on grass near tree
photo of man kneeling on grass near tree

From intimacy flows everything, what do I mean by that? When spending time with God, you become more like him in every way. What does that look like? You start to talk like him ,move like him and your character will become like him . You will develop your spiritual gifts and not only that he equips you to do his work for his glory. When you spend time in the secret place, you will be pleasantly surprised that he starts to work on your heart by sharing his secrets ( Revelation), healing starts to manifest, deliverance, you will become anointed to do what he has called you to do. The most important thing when spending time with God ,is that you know your identity in him, when you know your identity in him, you will know that you have authority and power because your intertwined with the vine. Now, you have the gifts of the spirit and the fruit of the spirit. It's really important to know your identity in Christ in order to do what you're called to do.

From Intimacy flows Everything

Jesus showed us how to be intimate

Jesus was sent to us really to really lay the work down for us, he was the blueprint of what intimacy would look like. Let's talk about Jesus and the father's relationship when he was down here on earth in the flesh. In John 5:19:23, we se see that Jesus says he can do nothing by himself! He only does what he sees his father says or does, what does that mean to us? Jesus prayed to the father in solitude when he was in agony or just to spend time with him, how much more should we have a personal devoted prayer life? Jesus spoke and answered as the father led him to speak, not because God was controlling but because Jesus was dependent on him. If the father raises the dead, Jesus raises the dead, God heals, we see that Jesus heals. Jesus desires were God the father's desires. Jesus anointing flows from the father from intimacy, and thats how we as his children should follow.

The Dangers of the Religious Spirit

The one spirit that will hinder or prevent you from getting close to God is a religious spirit. I want to talk about what I thought was intimacy and knowing God, which I now know was a religious spirit disguised as sheep in wolf's clothing. Well, If you don't know where I'm headed now, let me tell you the ultimate mindset and lifestyle that will keep you from growing close to God. The religious spirit will make you think that you are zealous and passionate for God but in truth you are really operating in pride. What is dangerous about the religious spirit is that it can be subtle and you won't be even know you are thinking, speaking, and acting religious. Some religious people are obviously walking in religion but there are many who subtly operate in religion, meaning you can mix old covenant with new covenant which becomes a recipe for bondage and confusion.

Religion to Relationship

I want to talk about Paul the Great Apostle who walked with God faithfully. Paul is an example of someone who was zealous when his name was Saul ( Acts 22) who thought he was doing God's will by killing off christians in the name of God, so he thought. Paul did not believe that Jesus was the messiah, he was one of the religious leaders who had so much zeal, so much passion to kill christians, that is until he was visited dramatically by the one and only Messiah, Jesus Christ. On his way to Damascus, Saul who we now know as Paul was radically transformed from that day on and was singing a different tune once he encountered the one and only Christ. No more religious jargon and a completely different message he was preaching welcoming gentiles and jews into new life through Christ.

sepia photography of god's ray under stratocumulus clouds
sepia photography of god's ray under stratocumulus clouds